// Collaborative cooking happening, at an anonymous urban space (the San Martin bridge) fostering a temporary meeting place of encounter and dialogue, with solidarity and local participation //
December 13th and 14th, 2003
Bajada de Baños (under the San Martín bridge) Barranco
15h00 to 22h00 (both days)
project done in the framework of Barranco Contemporary Art Festival
> Cooking under the bridge next to the gardens, invites to relax, rediscovering unpublished possibilities of use of the urban architecture. It was chosen to prepare a traditional sweet dessert. This candy unites the chancaca (raw sugarcane honey) with bread in a combination that was very appreciated by the carriers in the colonial period, in its trips through the cold zones of the Andean mountains. This candy was sold by the black and mulato people in the peripheries of Lima city in the colonial times (between the XVI and the early XIX centuries) and comprises an inheritance of gastronomical tradition, that little spreads.
> The elaboration of Ranfañote (a traditional sweet dessert original by the African slaves in Lima) constitutes the collective challenge. Only possible with the collaboration of the participants and visitors.
December 13, 2003 (saturday)
> ingredients collect for the Ranfañote
> live music: lounge, deep house and own tracks by Maruja Trax
> video: how to prepare Ranfañote in the house

December 14, 2003 (sunday)
> passerby people preparing Ranfañote
> music by Peter Wolf, Alan Poma and Raúl Mondragón