// started as an urban intervention in Berlin (2006), the Precarious Institute for Economical Survival Strategies, turned to a platform for services exchanges in Lima (2009) //
Berlin, 2006
Prenzlauer Promenade / Wisbyer Strasse (Berlin-Pankow)
> Street intervention with temporary installation
> Mobile office for Economical Survival Strategies research

Lima, 2009
Instituto Cultural Peruano Norteamericano de San Miguel (>>)
(Peruvian-Northamerican Cultural Institute)
Group show “Crisis in Progress” curated by Dorota Biczel and Emilio Tarazona
> Installation
> Visitors could use the paper forms in the installation to let personal ads for work, services and skills that can be provided. Visitors were suggested to let personal contact information (phone and/or cell numbers and/or emails)