// Video-installation by Tea Hatadi (HR), Fernando Pertuz (CO), Mirjam Wanner (CH) and Carlos Leon-Xjimenez (PE) in the framework of the meer teilen : share more project by curator Harm Lux, with an exhibition at the Shedhalle im Eisenwerk in Frauenfeld, Switzerland (13.08 – 08.10.2016). //
A wooden seasaw platform cover with artificial grass invites to play, and gives instability to read a set of questions mixed with images while listening to other questions. Text and voices are in English, Spanish, Croatian and German.

meer teilen : share more ENGLISH catalogue HERE!
“meer teilen: share more” conference brochure 12 + 13.08.2016 Kunstmuseum Thurgau
Kartause Ittingen, PDF HERE!