Weimarhallenpark, Weimar. Piece of the Wanderlust exhibition june 19 – juli 20, 2007
installation / space for use
> Steel pipe triangular structure (3 meter long each side), first cover with army camouflage net, ending with pond foil (Teichfolie) after being vandalized -where the camouflage net was stolen. (See documentation in the PDF catalogue)
> The project was designed to create a space for sexual encounter, following traditional patterns of the gay culture. The idea of the cruising in parks is mixed with a structure that can be used as a “darkroom” space
> Paying attention to the lack of cruising areas in Weimar, NSB foster a meeting point, for gay men but specially for those inside the right-radical scene. Weimar was chosen for the project because it is a traditional city for the May 1st rally by neonazi groups in Thüringen.
> In that sense, group oriented advertisement was set on the popular (at the time) gay chat+dating platform Gayromeo (currently renamed Romeo). The advertisement that was banned due the used symbolism (which is banned in Germany due the link to nazi symbols).
> The experience resulted in a procesual artwork because it was vandalized. The response was a redevelopment with new materials but keeping the original concept and user ́s target group.
Project done in the frame of the Wanderlust exhibition.
PDF Catalogue (English/German)